Couples Therapy

Build love and connection again.


Do you feel alone, even when you are together?

Relationships can be a source of safety, comfort, fulfillment, and joy, but when conflict and misunderstanding occurs, we are often left feeling frustrated, resentful, hopeless, and lonely. 

Maybe you’re noticing:

  • we keep having the same fights over and over

  • we’re hearing each other, but we don’t REALLY understand what the other person is saying

  • feelings of love and affection are no longer as strong or present

  • we know the issues that are coming up are a problem, but don’t know how to make changes

  • we have so many day to day distractions, we don’t even have time for each other

  • you want to open your relationship and don’t know how to navigate the change

You are here because you’ve reached your breaking point and you are no longer willing to settle for a lifetime of tension and unhappiness.

If you are willing to put in the effort, we can build a healthy relationship.



We will start by giving you an opportunity to share your perspective, learn how to talk, and how to listen. When emotions get high, we will work on how you can bring yourself and each other down so you can stay present and connected, even in conflict. With this foundation, you will be able to make changes both within and outside of sessions. I am not here to take sides, but to validate both of your perspectives and assist you in navigating difficult conversations to reach understanding and regain connection. Although conflicts and misunderstandings may still happen, you will have confidence in your ability to resolve and repair any issues that may arise.

Every couples journey and goals are unique. Couples therapy is about helping you gain new insight, not just into your relationship, but into yourself so you can make decisions regarding your future. No matter what path your relationship takes, the goal of therapy is that you are walking away with skills and insights that will increase your satisfaction in yourself and your life overall.

Couples therapy can help:

  • Increase intimacy and connection

  • Identify and challenge unhelpful patterns of conflict

  • Build communication skills

  • Explore opening relationships or non-monogamy

  • Process past hurts and resentments

  • Set boundaries and expectations

  • Process issues of infidelity or boundary violations

Your relationship is worth investing in.


Common questions about therapy for couples

  • Couple’s sessions can be provided in 50 or 80 minute sessions. Longer sessions may be needed to fully cover difficult topics and allow time for everyone to feel heard in the session.

  • If you are both still willing to participate in therapy, we can discuss goals and determine if couple’s therapy is the right fit for accomplishing them. If your partner doesn’t want to participate in therapy at all, you can do individual therapy to work on your own concerns about the relationship.

  • Every relationship is different and my job is not to tell you and your partner what you should do. There is no guarantee that participation in therapy will keep you together. What it can do is help both of you build the skills to have difficult conversations, heal, and set expectations that will help you decide if this is a relationship you want to stay in.

  • Yes, I work with relationships of all types! For more information, go to my specialty page on non-monogamy.